To access our sales service you need:
- Be 18 or older.
- Have the requisites to legally stipulate binding contracts.
- Have a valid e-mail address.
- Having a credit or debit card for certification and payment :
These general conditions of sale regulate the relations between OZONOSHOP and the customer in relation to purchases made through the site OZONOSHOP.IT
Although not expressly regulated in these general conditions of sale, please refer to the provisions of the Legislative Decree May 22, 1999, n.185 and the applicable regulations of the Civil Code.
Conclusion and object of the contract:
Upon receipt by OZONOSHOP of the Order Confirmation, sent by the customer by electronic transmission, the contract is considered concluded. With the conclusion of the contract, OZONOSHOP undertakes to supply the customer with the purchased products, under the terms and conditions set forth in these General Conditions of sale, without prejudice to the right not to process orders against subjects who do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency.
The Customer, by sending the Order Confirmation, unconditionally accepts and undertakes to observe in relations with OZONOSHOP the provisions contained in these General conditions of sale.
The forwarding of the order confirmation, therefore, implies the complete knowledge and acceptance by the customer of these general conditions of sale as well as of the additional information contained in the web pages of the Site referred to and linked therein .
The private customer can request an invoice no later than the day of the purchase by sending a written request to and specifying the tax data.
Customs Duties: For international shipments made payable to the Company, the customs may apply a flat rate cost of about € 30
OZONOSHOP has created and published the site with the aim of offering a service exclusively aimed at the END CONSUMER, to whom all the products for sale on the site are intended.
"FINAL CONSUMER" must be understood as a natural person who acts for purposes unrelated to his own business or professional activity that may be carried out.
Therefore, subjects who are not attributable to the category of the FINAL CONSUMER are invited to refrain from forwarding orders and / or establishing commercial relationships with OZONOSHOP
OZONOSHOP , in compliance with this regulation, reserves the unquestionable right not to process orders that do not comply with the commercial policy.
In case you wish to receive a purchase invoice please select this option when submitting your order.
OZONOSHOP publishes information on the site in order to provide a service to its visitors, but declines all responsibility for the possibility of any technical or factual inaccuracies and / or typographical errors for which it is expected and welcome to report to the address , which will result in the prompt correction.
OZONOSHOP also reserves the right to make changes and / or corrections to the site whenever it deems it necessary without having to give prior notice.
OZONOSHOP does not offer any guarantee that the information published on its site complies with the law and regulations in force in your country. OZONOSHOP invites the aforementioned customer to refrain from using the site. Otherwise, it is the customer himself who implicitly assumes responsibility for the use of the site and its contents.
OZONOSHOP declines all responsibility for any problems, damages or risks that the user may encounter in using the site.
OZONOSHOP declines all responsibility for any malfunctions of the site related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.
OZONOSHOP reserves the right to modify, rectify and / or review the terms and conditions contained in this legal notice whenever it deems it necessary, by updating it, without giving any notice.
The user is obliged to abide by the terms and conditions of this legal notice, and is required to periodically check this regulation to review the terms and conditions that are subject to the use of the site.
The website is subject to Italian law, in particular to the Court of ROME.
"By accessing this site you and OZONOSHOP you agree that the laws and regulations of the Italian State will apply to all matters relating to the use of the website. You and OZONOSHOP you also agree to submit yourself exclusively to the jurisdiction of the Court of ROME for the above issues ".
OZONOSHOP does not guarantee in any way that materials on this site are appropriate or of possible use in other countries, and access to such materials from places where their contents are illegal is expressly prohibited.
Those who choose to access this site from locations where the contents of the site are illegal do so on their own initiative and will be solely responsible for the violation of relevant local laws ".